Thuggish Degeneracy Personified
The United States Federal Government has rendered itself totally useless.
It's Gangstalking mechanism, which is literally a legalized murder, assault and burglary mechanism has been adopted in place of the United States Constitution. Street thugs are only the begining. Corporate officers, doctors, lawyers, nurses, teachers law enforcers, military intelligence personnel and others are knowing or unknowing participants in this stinking, silly, and hostile protocol.
The civil liberties, civil rights, constitutional freedoms, and inalienable rights of targeted individuals like myself have been deleted, revoked, and suspended at the core of these, opening up opportunities for lowlife scumbag nitwits who have nothing better to do than use a thuggish juvenile system of signals, verbal commands, cues, and vehicular maneuvers that put innocent United States citizens in danger.
Taxpayer dollars are squandered to benefit military industrial war machine and surveillance and tracking firms to the tune of $2,000,000,000,000.00 per year, why, because the general populace of the United States are but mere cattle to the above named organizations.
The United States of America is a war machine in and of itself. It has, and continues to look for opportunities to commit state-sanctioned murder so as to have a reason to pay its military industrial cronies while creating false Patriot narratives.
Americas legal, religious, and educational auxiliaries are all swallowed up in this treasonous and thuggish harassment and containment protocol.
America has no legitimate wars to fight presently, so it attacks its own citizens. That is the nature and character of the political construct in this country. False narratives made by hateful, degenerate, jealous, thuggish, and criminally insane punks fuel this disastrous program.
America's prestige on the world stage has seriously dwindled over the past 39 years, namely, because it has a thuggish border policy, poor vetting of legislation, and a criminally negligent bill creation mechanism that is at best, a giant load of thuggish degeneracy.
The kinds of animals that are used in Gangstalking campaigns range in scope, from millionaires to homeless dope peddlers, and all socioeconomic spectrums in-between.
Freedom of speech and inalienable rights have been made null and void to accommodate the degenerate thuggery that gangstalkers participate in daily.
The thuggish defective national security protocol called Gangstalking is doomed to fail, as is America's foreign policy which is little more than to spread Gangstalking throughout the world. The thuggish, trashy, and stupid communication devices that gangstalkers use is a threat to the sovereignty of mankind.
This ambitious program, that has roots in lowlife degenerate thuggery, has already gained international attention (thanks to targeted individuals that get the word out) will render America as an untrustworthy ally of thuggish degeneracy.
Gangstalking is an insult to the efforts of the forerunners of Democracy who through their blood and sweat formulated, envisioned, and worked for an America where a person can succeed with individual merits without hostile degenerate synchronized thug mechanisms.
Dirtbag, degenerate defective human products formulated Gangstalking from COINTELPRO (see program on a 1960s era program that sought to destroy the efforts of civil rights activists who sought to end America's policies of degenerate hostility towards its citizens.
People of all races and cultures participate, people of all races and cultures are affected. Gangstalking is America's manifestation. America's historical character has manifested in a disgusting way, allowing, with the guidance and the blessings of strategically planted Federal liaisons, mob rule, biological warfare, disease warfare, food contamination, and the immediate glorification of thugs, their habits, their inclinations, and their degenerate tendencies.
Gangstalkers are cowards. Gangstalkers are losers. Gangstalkers are degenerates. Extreme acts of cowardice have become the norm in America, with violent lowlife thugs of all ages and backgrounds participating in thuggish hate protocols that are beneath the dignity of constitutionally rendered precepts.
Gangstalking's Points System
Mind you, my comments on gang-stalking is wholly based upon my personal experiences, the application of historical narratives and events, and simply plain common sense about the mechanisms that must be present in order for gangstalking to operate.
Gangstalking is a social engineering and personal disruption protocol. I believe wholeheartedly that gangstalking persists in local, state, and federal capacities.
Gangstalking is jurisdictionless which means it is federal. It incorporates military/industrial grade stratagem, surveillance, and containment maneuvers.
Who becomes a target is based on a points system which aggregates a person's vital statistics against their living arrangements, parental and/or family or extended family information, household income, public and private records, academic attainment, hobbies and recreational activities, perceived IQ, marital information, Internet activities, juvenile experiences, word-of-mouth stories, and more. When the totality of these factors is summed, a score is generated. Certain scores will "determine" whether a person will be pro social, antisocial, prone to criminal activity, academically successful, poor, wealthy, betrothed, single, a "patriot," a dissident, able to reach an "old" age or not, fit, unhealthy, prone to mental health problems, and more.
People like me, who at some point underwent this investigatory analysis, and were rated as "dangerous," become targeted individuals.
The stalkers are easy for a seasoned targeted person to identify.
Communication is key to the eradication of the program.
The cause is inadequate vetting of congressional legislation by Congress. Every word of every bill (especially national security bills,) should be tightly vetted for outrageous or unconstitutional inserts.
The President of the United States should have the power of the line-item-veto. This ensures presidential involvement in every bill.
The Military Industrial Complex is the beneficiary of gangstalking.
The United States of America has violently and thuggishly attacked its own citizens through it gangstalking harassment and subversion protocol.
There are gangstalking protocols being practiced in the DOJ and the DOD.
The United States Military has been sidetracked by these legislative acts of buffoonish tomfoolery.
Gangstalkers are dumb, nitwitted, psychopathic numbskulls.
Gangstalking is a botched national security measure.
Gangstalking's auspices are thuggish.
Through gangstalking, The United States Federal Government has sanctioned organized disease spreading and sickness generation.
在美國秘密的立法暴徒和低能的民兵暴徒(現在被稱為黑幫跟蹤)中——有一種機制叫做街頭戲劇。街頭劇院是一種向目標個人展示有關特定問題的資訊的方式。事情可以是任何東西,是的,目標個人周圍的每個人都看到了這一奇觀。街頭戲劇的特點是,只有目標個體才會“獲得”或理解奇觀的意義。這種奇觀專門針對目標個人對其幫派跟蹤活動的看法。國會代表在沒有事先閱讀整個立法的情況下簽署國家安全立法,從而使黑幫跟蹤的指定用途成為可能。國會代表不從頭到尾閱讀這些法案的原因是這些法案的長度在 4,000 到 10,000 頁之間。他們根本沒有時間或意願來通讀該法案。
{ Emmanuel Isaiah Smith
Founder and Chief Executive Officer
(561) 666-7971 }
1000000116 #selfdefense #جامعه_الحسين_بن_طلال #тајнадруштва #тајна #საყურეები #թափոնային #مضر، #غیرقانونی_گرفتاری_نامنظور، #تگ_کن_عشق_ته شده @kalashnikovnews #upload #alien #video #gangstalking #hashtag #mention #duet #stitch #keeptiktok #maps_maroc #location #html #vivaldi 🎥🤖🎥👽🎥👽🎥🤖🎥👽🎥🤖
Thuggish Degeneracy Personified
The United States Federal Government has rendered itself totally useless.
It's Gangstalking mechanism, which is literally a legalized murder, assault and burglary mechanism has been adopted in place of the United States Constitution. Street thugs are only the begining. Corporate officers, doctors, lawyers, nurses, teachers law enforcers, military intelligence personnel and others are knowing or unknowing participants in this stinking, silly, and hostile protocol.
The civil liberties, civil rights, constitutional freedoms, and inalienable rights of targeted individuals like myself have been deleted, revoked, and suspended at the core of these, opening up opportunities for lowlife scumbag nitwits who have nothing better to do than use a thuggish juvenile system of signals, verbal commands, cues, and vehicular maneuvers that put innocent United States citizens in danger.
Taxpayer dollars are squandered to benefit military industrial war machine and surveillance and tracking firms to the tune of $2,000,000,000,000.00 per year, why, because the general populace of the United States are but mere cattle to the above named organizations.
The United States of America is a war machine in and of itself. It has, and continues to look for opportunities to commit state-sanctioned murder so as to have a reason to pay its military industrial cronies while creating false Patriot narratives.
Americas legal, religious, and educational auxiliaries are all swallowed up in this treasonous and thuggish harassment and containment protocol.
America has no legitimate wars to fight presently, so it attacks its own citizens. That is the nature and character of the political construct in this country. False narratives made by hateful, degenerate, jealous, thuggish, and criminally insane punks fuel this disastrous program.
America's prestige on the world stage has seriously dwindled over the past 39 years, namely, because it has a thuggish border policy, poor vetting of legislation, and a criminally negligent bill creation mechanism that is at best, a giant load of thuggish degeneracy.
The kinds of animals that are used in Gangstalking campaigns range in scope, from millionaires to homeless dope peddlers, and all socioeconomic spectrums in-between.
Freedom of speech and inalienable rights have been made null and void to accommodate the degenerate thuggery that gangstalkers participate in daily.
The thuggish defective national security protocol called Gangstalking is doomed to fail, as is America's foreign policy which is little more than to spread Gangstalking throughout the world. The thuggish, trashy, and stupid communication devices that gangstalkers use is a threat to the sovereignty of mankind.
This ambitious program, that has roots in lowlife degenerate thuggery, has already gained international attention (thanks to targeted individuals that get the word out) will render America as an untrustworthy ally of thuggish degeneracy.
Gangstalking is an insult to the efforts of the forerunners of Democracy who through their blood and sweat formulated, envisioned, and worked for an America where a person can succeed with individual merits without hostile degenerate synchronized thug mechanisms.
Dirtbag, degenerate defective human products formulated Gangstalking from COINTELPRO (see program on a 1960s era program that sought to destroy the efforts of civil rights activists who sought to end America's policies of degenerate hostility towards its citizens.
People of all races and cultures participate, people of all races and cultures are affected. Gangstalking is America's manifestation. America's historical character has manifested in a disgusting way, allowing, with the guidance and the blessings of strategically planted Federal liaisons, mob rule, biological warfare, disease warfare, food contamination, and the immediate glorification of thugs, their habits, their inclinations, and their degenerate tendencies.
Gangstalkers are cowards. Gangstalkers are losers. Gangstalkers are degenerates. Extreme acts of cowardice have become the norm in America, with violent lowlife thugs of all ages and backgrounds participating in thuggish hate protocols that are beneath the dignity of constitutionally rendered precepts.
Gangstalking's Points System
Mind you, my comments on gang-stalking is wholly based upon my personal experiences, the application of historical narratives and events, and simply plain common sense about the mechanisms that must be present in order for gangstalking to operate.
Gangstalking is a social engineering and personal disruption protocol. I believe wholeheartedly that gangstalking persists in local, state, and federal capacities.
Gangstalking is jurisdictionless which means it is federal. It incorporates military/industrial grade stratagem, surveillance, and containment maneuvers.
Who becomes a target is based on a points system which aggregates a person's vital statistics against their living arrangements, parental and/or family or extended family information, household income, public and private records, academic attainment, hobbies and recreational activities, perceived IQ, marital information, Internet activities, juvenile experiences, word-of-mouth stories, and more. When the totality of these factors is summed, a score is generated. Certain scores will "determine" whether a person will be pro social, antisocial, prone to criminal activity, academically successful, poor, wealthy, betrothed, single, a "patriot," a dissident, able to reach an "old" age or not, fit, unhealthy, prone to mental health problems, and more.
People like me, who at some point underwent this investigatory analysis, and were rated as "dangerous," become targeted individuals.
The stalkers are easy for a seasoned targeted person to identify.
Communication is key to the eradication of the program.
The cause is inadequate vetting of congressional legislation by Congress. Every word of every bill (especially national security bills,) should be tightly vetted for outrageous or unconstitutional inserts.
The President of the United States should have the power of the line-item-veto. This ensures presidential involvement in every bill.
The Military Industrial Complex is the beneficiary of gangstalking.
The United States of America has violently and thuggishly attacked its own citizens through it gangstalking harassment and subversion protocol.
There are gangstalking protocols being practiced in the DOJ and the DOD.
The United States Military has been sidetracked by these legislative acts of buffoonish tomfoolery.
Gangstalkers are dumb, nitwitted, psychopathic numbskulls.
Gangstalking is a botched national security measure.
Gangstalking's auspices are thuggish.
Through gangstalking, The United States Federal Government has sanctioned organized disease spreading and sickness generation.
在美國秘密的立法暴徒和低能的民兵暴徒(現在被稱為黑幫跟蹤)中——有一種機制叫做街頭戲劇。街頭劇院是一種向目標個人展示有關特定問題的資訊的方式。事情可以是任何東西,是的,目標個人周圍的每個人都看到了這一奇觀。街頭戲劇的特點是,只有目標個體才會“獲得”或理解奇觀的意義。這種奇觀專門針對目標個人對其幫派跟蹤活動的看法。國會代表在沒有事先閱讀整個立法的情況下簽署國家安全立法,從而使黑幫跟蹤的指定用途成為可能。國會代表不從頭到尾閱讀這些法案的原因是這些法案的長度在 4,000 到 10,000 頁之間。他們根本沒有時間或意願來通讀該法案。
{ Emmanuel Isaiah Smith
Founder and Chief Executive Officer
(561) 666-7971 }
1000000116 #selfdefense #جامعه_الحسين_بن_طلال #тајнадруштва #тајна #საყურეები #թափոնային #مضر، #غیرقانونی_گرفتاری_نامنظور، #تگ_کن_عشق_ته شده @kalashnikovnews #upload #alien #video #gangstalking #hashtag #mention #duet #stitch #keeptiktok #maps_maroc #location #html #vivaldi 🎥🤖🎥👽🎥👽🎥🤖🎥👽🎥🤖
Thuggish Degeneracy Personified
The United States Federal Government has rendered itself totally useless.
It's Gangstalking mechanism, which is literally a legalized murder, assault and burglary mechanism has been adopted in place of the United States Constitution. Street thugs are only the begining. Corporate officers, doctors, lawyers, nurses, teachers law enforcers, military intelligence personnel and others are knowing or unknowing participants in this stinking, silly, and hostile protocol.
The civil liberties, civil rights, constitutional freedoms, and inalienable rights of targeted individuals like myself have been deleted, revoked, and suspended at the core of these, opening up opportunities for lowlife scumbag nitwits who have nothing better to do than use a thuggish juvenile system of signals, verbal commands, cues, and vehicular maneuvers that put innocent United States citizens in danger.
Taxpayer dollars are squandered to benefit military industrial war machine and surveillance and tracking firms to the tune of $2,000,000,000,000.00 per year, why, because the general populace of the United States are but mere cattle to the above named organizations.
The United States of America is a war machine in and of itself. It has, and continues to look for opportunities to commit state-sanctioned murder so as to have a reason to pay its military industrial cronies while creating false Patriot narratives.
Americas legal, religious, and educational auxiliaries are all swallowed up in this treasonous and thuggish harassment and containment protocol.
America has no legitimate wars to fight presently, so it attacks its own citizens. That is the nature and character of the political construct in this country. False narratives made by hateful, degenerate, jealous, thuggish, and criminally insane punks fuel this disastrous program.
America's prestige on the world stage has seriously dwindled over the past 39 years, namely, because it has a thuggish border policy, poor vetting of legislation, and a criminally negligent bill creation mechanism that is at best, a giant load of thuggish degeneracy.
The kinds of animals that are used in Gangstalking campaigns range in scope, from millionaires to homeless dope peddlers, and all socioeconomic spectrums in-between.
Freedom of speech and inalienable rights have been made null and void to accommodate the degenerate thuggery that gangstalkers participate in daily.
The thuggish defective national security protocol called Gangstalking is doomed to fail, as is America's foreign policy which is little more than to spread Gangstalking throughout the world. The thuggish, trashy, and stupid communication devices that gangstalkers use is a threat to the sovereignty of mankind.
This ambitious program, that has roots in lowlife degenerate thuggery, has already gained international attention (thanks to targeted individuals that get the word out) will render America as an untrustworthy ally of thuggish degeneracy.
Gangstalking is an insult to the efforts of the forerunners of Democracy who through their blood and sweat formulated, envisioned, and worked for an America where a person can succeed with individual merits without hostile degenerate synchronized thug mechanisms.
Dirtbag, degenerate defective human products formulated Gangstalking from COINTELPRO (see program on a 1960s era program that sought to destroy the efforts of civil rights activists who sought to end America's policies of degenerate hostility towards its citizens.
People of all races and cultures participate, people of all races and cultures are affected. Gangstalking is America's manifestation. America's historical character has manifested in a disgusting way, allowing, with the guidance and the blessings of strategically planted Federal liaisons, mob rule, biological warfare, disease warfare, food contamination, and the immediate glorification of thugs, their habits, their inclinations, and their degenerate tendencies.
Gangstalkers are cowards. Gangstalkers are losers. Gangstalkers are degenerates. Extreme acts of cowardice have become the norm in America, with violent lowlife thugs of all ages and backgrounds participating in thuggish hate protocols that are beneath the dignity of constitutionally rendered precepts.
Thuggish Degeneracy Politically Personified
The United States Federal Government has rendered itself totally useless.
It's Gangstalking mechanism, which is literally a legalized murder, assault and burglary mechanism has been adopted in place of the United States Constitution. Street thugs are only the begining. Corporate officers, doctors, lawyers, nurses, teachers law enforcers, military intelligence personnel and others are knowing or unknowing participants in this stinking, silly, and hostile protocol.
The civil liberties, civil rights, constitutional freedoms, and inalienable rights of targeted individuals like myself have been deleted, revoked, and suspended at the core of these, opening up opportunities for lowlife scumbag nitwits who have nothing better to do than use a thuggish juvenile system of signals, verbal commands, cues, and vehicular maneuvers that put innocent United States citizens in danger.
Taxpayer dollars are squandered to benefit military industrial war machine and surveillance and tracking firms to the tune of $2,000,000,000,000.00 per year, why, because the general populace of the United States are but mere cattle to the above named organizations.
The United States of America is a war machine in and of itself. It has, and continues to look for opportunities to commit state-sanctioned murder so as to have a reason to pay its military industrial cronies while creating false Patriot narratives.
Americas legal, religious, and educational auxiliaries are all swallowed up in this treasonous and thuggish harassment and containment protocol.
America has no legitimate wars to fight presently, so it attacks its own citizens. That is the nature and character of the political construct in this country. False narratives made by hateful, degenerate, jealous, thuggish, and criminally insane punks fuel this disastrous program.
America's prestige on the world stage has seriously dwindled over the past 39 years, namely, because it has a thuggish border policy, poor vetting of legislation, and a criminally negligent bill creation mechanism that is at best, a giant load of thuggish degeneracy.
The kinds of animals that are used in Gangstalking campaigns range in scope, from millionaires to homeless dope peddlers, and all socioeconomic spectrums in-between.
Freedom of speech and inalienable rights have been made null and void to accommodate the degenerate thuggery that gangstalkers participate in daily.
The thuggish defective national security protocol called Gangstalking is doomed to fail, as is America's foreign policy which is little more than to spread Gangstalking throughout the world. The thuggish, trashy, and stupid communication devices that gangstalkers use is a threat to the sovereignty of mankind.
This ambitious program, that has roots in lowlife degenerate thuggery, has already gained international attention (thanks to targeted individuals that get the word out) will render America as an untrustworthy ally of thuggish degeneracy.
Gangstalking is an insult to the efforts of the forerunners of Democracy who through their blood and sweat formulated, envisioned, and worked for an America where a person can succeed with individual merits without hostile degenerate synchronized thug mechanisms.
Dirtbag, degenerate defective human products formulated Gangstalking from COINTELPRO (see program on a 1960s era program that sought to destroy the efforts of civil rights activists who sought to end America's policies of degenerate hostility towards its citizens.
People of all races and cultures participate, people of all races and cultures are affected. Gangstalking is America's manifestation. America's historical character has manifested in a disgusting way, allowing, with the guidance and the blessings of strategically planted Federal liaisons, mob rule, biological warfare, disease warfare, food contamination, and the immediate glorification of thugs, their habits, their inclinations, and their degenerate tendencies.
Gangstalkers are cowards. Gangstalkers are losers. Gangstalkers are degenerates. Extreme acts of cowardice have become the norm in America, with violent lowlife thugs of all ages and backgrounds participating in thuggish hate protocols that are beneath the dignity of constitutionally rendered precepts.
Thuggish Degeneracy Personified
The United States Federal Government has rendered itself totally useless.
It's Gangstalking mechanism, which is literally a legalized murder, assault and burglary mechanism has been adopted in place of the United States Constitution. Street thugs are only the begining. Corporate officers, doctors, lawyers, nurses, teachers law enforcers, military intelligence personnel and others are knowing or unknowing participants in this stinking, silly, and hostile protocol.
The civil liberties, civil rights, constitutional freedoms, and inalienable rights of targeted individuals like myself have been deleted, revoked, and suspended at the core of these, opening up opportunities for lowlife scumbag nitwits who have nothing better to do than use a thuggish juvenile system of signals, verbal commands, cues, and vehicular maneuvers that put innocent United States citizens in danger.
Taxpayer dollars are squandered to benefit military industrial war machine and surveillance and tracking firms to the tune of $2,000,000,000,000.00 per year, why, because the general populace of the United States are but mere cattle to the above named organizations.
The United States of America is a war machine in and of itself. It has, and continues to look for opportunities to commit state-sanctioned murder so as to have a reason to pay its military industrial cronies while creating false Patriot narratives.
Americas legal, religious, and educational auxiliaries are all swallowed up in this treasonous and thuggish harassment and containment protocol.
America has no legitimate wars to fight presently, so it attacks its own citizens. That is the nature and character of the political construct in this country. False narratives made by hateful, degenerate, jealous, thuggish, and criminally insane punks fuel this disastrous program.
America's prestige on the world stage has seriously dwindled over the past 39 years, namely, because it has a thuggish border policy, poor vetting of legislation, and a criminally negligent bill creation mechanism that is at best, a giant load of thuggish degeneracy.
The kinds of animals that are used in Gangstalking campaigns range in scope, from millionaires to homeless dope peddlers, and all socioeconomic spectrums in-between.
Freedom of speech and inalienable rights have been made null and void to accommodate the degenerate thuggery that gangstalkers participate in daily.
The thuggish defective national security protocol called Gangstalking is doomed to fail, as is America's foreign policy which is little more than to spread Gangstalking throughout the world. The thuggish, trashy, and stupid communication devices that gangstalkers use is a threat to the sovereignty of mankind.
This ambitious program, that has roots in lowlife degenerate thuggery, has already gained international attention (thanks to targeted individuals that get the word out) will render America as an untrustworthy ally of thuggish degeneracy.
Gangstalking is an insult to the efforts of the forerunners of Democracy who through their blood and sweat formulated, envisioned, and worked for an America where a person can succeed with individual merits without hostile degenerate synchronized thug mechanisms.
Dirtbag, degenerate defective human products formulated Gangstalking from COINTELPRO (see program on a 1960s era program that sought to destroy the efforts of civil rights activists who sought to end America's policies of degenerate hostility towards its citizens.
People of all races and cultures participate, people of all races and cultures are affected. Gangstalking is America's manifestation. America's historical character has manifested in a disgusting way, allowing, with the guidance and the blessings of strategically planted Federal liaisons, mob rule, biological warfare, disease warfare, food contamination, and the immediate glorification of thugs, their habits, their inclinations, and their degenerate tendencies.
Gangstalkers are cowards. Gangstalkers are losers. Gangstalkers are degenerates. Extreme acts of cowardice have become the norm in America, with violent lowlife thugs of all ages and backgrounds participating in thuggish hate protocols that are beneath the dignity of constitutionally rendered precepts.
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Thuggish Degeneracy Personified
The United States Federal Government has rendered itself totally useless. It's Gangstalking mechanism, which is literally a legalized mu...
Gangstalking is real and it is deadly. Emmanuel Isaiah Smith Gangstalking is not what its title sounds like. It is a vast, multi-layered, ca...
A Miguel Serrano Classic. This book is one of Esoteric Hitlerism, a fraternity that became popular in the 1970s. The philosphy is the deific...