The American—Indian Wars : The Legend of Tom Quick the Indian Slayer : Full 1851 Novel by James Eldridge Quinlan
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Tom Quick the Indian Slayer and the Pioneers of Minisink and Wawarsink : Synopsis and the Book
Tom Quick, the Avenger of the Delaware, devoted his life to exterminating the few remaining Indians in northeast Pennsylvania. At the time this book was written, he was one of the great icons of American folklore and his exploits were the common fare of fireside storytellers and cracker-barrel old-timers. Today, Tom Quick is virtually forgotten. Political correctness recently motivated his hometown of Milford, PA to dismantle the handsome monument over his remains and replace it with an apologetic plaque. References to him have been eliminated from almost every local history.This book is the original biography of Tom Quick, published in 1851. It contains virtually every tale associated with the craft and cunning of Tom Quick, as well as many narratives relating to the early settlers of the upper Delaware Valley.
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