I have asserted in the past and continue to assert that gangstalking is a mechanism that requires vast financial resources, military-grade intelligence, and unlimited personnel access to successfully operate. Gangstalking requires so much of the necessities mentioned above in fact, that only the coffers of a very wealthy country could sustain such a creature as gangstalking is. From what I have perceived, gathered, and experienced, there is a violent criminal, gang member, paranormal, anti-social, or semi-terrorist database, registry, or watchlist that someone in this country or other has placed my name and vital statistics in. This database and its unchecked usage by either law enforcers, semi-law enforcers, or private security officers has been stealthily anuck through Congress using the pork barrel, earmark, and misappropriation mechanism. This targeting activity, which requires no court, no notice, no habeas corpus, or any legal process whatsoever, is pure unadulterated tyranny and will probe to irrevocably embarrass the United States of America if it is not totally and completely annihilated. There is also a " follow the money mechanism to gangstalking, its birth, and its usage. When the planners of this monsters are caught; I expect that they will be tried and hanged for treason.
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Gangstalking is American Congressional Thuggery
Thuggish covert hand signals, thuggish covert vehicular signals, thuggish covert verbal commands, thuggish covert electronic communications,...
Gangstalking is real and it is deadly. Emmanuel Isaiah Smith Gangstalking is not what its title sounds like. It is a vast, multi-layered, ca...
I have never joined a street gang. I do however, believe that my name and vital statistics were placed in a gang member database similar to ...
A Miguel Serrano Classic. This book is one of Esoteric Hitlerism, a fraternity that became popular in the 1970s. The philosphy is the deific...